Wednesday 13 September 2017

Getting into HTML

first page is about out school and link bringing you to out school, the next two photos show you the code behind on how it works. the last two photos are two separate pages based on selling bakes goods.

Friday 8 September 2017

Twisted Tim Hotrons

Huggies debate

1) describe the message presented - what are they trying to tell you about this product? I think they are trying to tell the fathers of the audience that, they cant put on the diapers properly. so it makes it look like "dad's", need more help with it more then the mothers. 2) describe the audience or group this ad is targeting? for women? for men? for children? age ranges? be specific They are targeting the men for not being able to put it on right so they made something specific for being able too without having a mess everywhere later. 3) describe the format this advertisement is in? - is it a print ad, a video, an animation? where would it appear? Looks like it would appear in print ads like the news papers mainly, or small ads on YouTube that just shows the picture and someone talks behind it saying what it does. 4) describe the technology used to create it from what you know so far? is it a photograph? is it photoshopped? I think photoshop was used for it mainly because all the other words and pictures around him looked added in after the picture was taken, and they made everything brighter and look nicer to show how good huggies is. 5) Finally and very Important: this advertisement was controversial! Why? I think It was because dads think they do a good job, and this ad most likely offended some fathers and mother who know they do a good job but huggies still chose to say how dads don't do anything right when it comes to doing stuff for babies like putting on diapers.